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Resistance Training

Each resistance exercise has 3 characteristics: specificity, overload and progression.

Important Definitions


Specificity: is the type of exercises that will be used to achieve a certain goal


Overload: is the demand placed on the body


The overload can be modified in 4 different ways: 

  1. Increasing the weight used

  2. Increasing the amount of repetitions

  3. Increasing the number of sets

  4. Lowering the resting time between sets



This includes the adaptation response of the body and de difficulty placed on it. It considers both of the above factors.


The main three levels are:

  1. Beginner

  2. Intermediate

  3. Advanced


Levels also include the weekly frequency of exercise, the total duration of the exercises and the intensity of each.


The programs offered on this site are to be performed at home. 


If you prefer exercising at gym there you will be provided with you own exercise program and you can use this page as a reference or for additional program information.


If you have heart, respiratory or other illnesses, you should consult your doctor before performing any of the exercises suggested.  


This page is recommended for healthy people with no injury or illness that prevents them from performing the exercises suggested. 


To determine if you can exercise, download and complete the form below.


Steps to design your Resistance Program

First Step: Pick your goal


If you are on this page your desire is to increase muscle mass, strength and/or endurance.













First, download and complete the form: Health Evaluation. Choose one goal from above and write it down on your guide.

Fourth Step: Design your Resistance Program



Before you start developing your program visit the page Basic concepts of Resistance Training; which explains the basic principles of resistance training. It also provides definitions you will need to design your program.


You are now ready to begin your training. Download the following documents to aid you.

Second Step: Identify the level you shall begin with


It’s important to identify whether you are capable of doing the exercises shown. In order to prevent injuries or pain, you will use the following diagram to pick the level you shall begin with.


Once you do, write it on your Health Evaluation.


Third Step: Fill out your Health Evaluation


Answer all boxes in the guide entitled Health Evaluation. Follow the instructions provided in the appendixes to answer them appropriately.


The guide is a tool to determine your current physical condition and also serves as a comparison to the changes that will take place when you follow your resistance program.


Muscular Hyperthrophy

Muscular Strength

Muscular Endurance

Now proceed to Phase 1 of resistance training to begin filling out the documents you just downloaded. Phase 1 applies to all types of resistance training.


  1. Muscular Hypertrophy

    1. Hypertrophy is the enlargment of muscles

  2. Muscular Strenght

    1. Is the ability of the muscles to produce tension overcoming external forces

  3. Muscular Endurance

    1. Endurance is the ability to produce and mantain a certain force for long periods of time

Center for

Health, Wellness, Nutrition & Exercise

Costa Rica

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