The goals of the second phase involve improving posture, muscle hypertrophy and strength. Two types of exercise will be used in this phase: stability and strength exercises.
The goals of Phase 2 are:
Your core will maintain a proper posture with these exe
Increase the load
These exercises will be performed with a higher load which strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments
Increase the resistance
Capacity for longer exercise time will be practiced
Increase the metabolic demands of the body
Tissues become more efficient to consume and acquiere nutrients
Increase the motor units used
Allows the muscles and nerves to recruit more muscle fibers to sustain the loads used
Phase 2: Strength
Exercises for Phase 2: Core
1. First, choose exercises from the Warm-up page and write them in your Daily Exercise Plan.
2. Second, in your Daily Exercise Plan, choose 3 of any of the following Core exercises and write them in your Daily Exercise Plan.
3. Visit the Phase 2: Strength and continue filling your Daily Exercise Plan.
Core Exercises Index:
Click on each exercise to be directed to them.
1. Quadruped Opposite arm/leg raise
Items: yoga mat (optional)
Preparation: place your palms and knees on the floor.
1. Extend your left leg and right arm.
2. Hold
3. Return to preparation.
4. Repeat with other leg.
Nota: Always maintain your back straight and your abs contracted.
2. Ball Bridge
Items: ball
Preparation: lie down on your back (supine) on the ball, with your legs bent, feet on the floor and place your arms on your hips.
Lift your pelvis off the floor until your knees, hips and shoulders are aligned.
Lower your pelvis slowly and return to the preparation position.
With a raised straight leg
Note: Do not lift your pelvis so high that your back arches.
3. Ball Cobra
Items: ball
Preparation: Lie face down (prone) on the ball and with your hands touching the floor separated from your body. Your feet are just barley touching the floor, on tiptoes.
Lift your chest and arms with your thumbs facing upward.
Hold for 2 seconds.
Slowly lower returning to the preparation position.
4. Side Plank
Items: yoga mat (optional)
Preparation: Lie laterally on your legs. Lift your torso placing your forearm on the floor and the other arm on your him
Lift your hips supporting your weight on your arms and your foot.
Hold and keep your back straight.

Images from: Clark, Micheal, Scott Lucett, and Brian G. Sutton. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.

5. Ball Crunches
Items: stability ball
Preparation: lie down on your back (supine) supporting your back and buttocks on the ball. Let your shoulders and head hang. Support yourself on your bent legs. Bend your arms crossing them and place your palms on your shoulders.
Slowly lift the upper torso by contracting your abs.
Slowly lower to the preparation position.
Note: Your neck is kept straight and do not use it to lift yourself.

Equipment required in Phase 2
To perform the exercises in this phase you need the following:
1. Stability ball
The size of the ball varies and should fit your height.
4’7”-5’0”: 45 cm
5’1”-5’6”: 55 cm
5’7”-6’1”: 65 cm
6’2”-6’”8: 75 cm
You can also determine if the size of the ball is ideal for you if you can sit comfortably making sure your feet touch the floor.
2. Adjustable weights:
To determine the weight used in exercises you must visit the Basic Concepts of Resistance Training page.
Center for
Health, Wellness, Nutrition & Exercise
Costa Rica