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Phase 1: Stability with Resistance

Stability exercises with resistance strengthens  the ligaments, tendons and muscles of the body to prepare them and prevent injuries.


Choose one exercise from each category and write them in section Resistance in your Daily Exercise Plan.


Note: We recommend initially performing the exercises in front of a mirror to make sure you have good posture.


Each exercise has variations, if an exercise is difficult for you; start with a more comfortable variation. Also, if the exercise becomes easy use another variation to increase the difficulty. Do not change the difficulty before a week has passed and only if you feel comfortable with the new position.


You can also increase the difficulty by changing the weight of the dumbbells (weights).


Index of Stability Exercises with Resistance:


Click on the title of each exercise to go directly to them.


  1. Exercises for Total Body Stabilization

    1. Squat, flexing to press

    2. Step-up, flexing to press

    3. Lunges to press

  2. Exercises for Chest Stabilization

    1. Chest Press

    2. Push ups

  3. Exercise for Stabilizing the Back

    1. Ball Dumbbell Row

  4. Exercises for Shoulder Stabilization

    1. Single-Leg Dumbbell Scaption

    2. Seated Stability Ball Military Press

  5. Exercise for the Stabilization of the Biceps

    1. Single-Leg Dumbbell Curl

  6. Stabilization Exercises for the Triceps

    1. Supine Ball Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

    2. Prone Ball Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

  7. Exercises for Stabilizing Legs

    1. Ball Squat

    2. Step-up to Balance



1. Squat, flexing to press


Items: ball and dumbbells


Preparation: Stand with your feet separated and pointing forward. Your feet and shoulders should be in line. Let your arms hang holding the dumbbells.



  1. Go to the Squat position.

  2. Stand up, while flexing your biceps lifting the dumbbells to shoulder level.

  3. Fully extend your arms above your head.

  4. Return to the preparation position and repeat.



  1. Alternating arms

  2. First perform the repetitions with one arm and then the other

  3. Using one leg

  4. Without using the ball


Note: Do not use the ball to lean on it. The ball is to guide and keep your back straight.

2. Step-up, flexing to press


Items: dumbbells and an object that measures 30cm in height


Preparation: Stand with your feet separated and pointing forward in front of the step. Your feet and shoulders should be in line. Let your arms hang holding the dumbbells. 



  1. With one foot step up and keep the other foot on the floor.

  2. Push the leg that is on the floor forward and flex it to towards your hip, leaning in the opposite foot.

  3. Once you can keep your balance, extend weights completely over your head.

  4. Lower the weights, and return the flexed leg to the floor.

  5. Lower the other leg to the floor and return to the preparation position.

  6. Repeat with the other leg.



  1. Without balancing on one leg

  2. Performing the step-up laterally


Note: You must keep your back straight.

3. Lunges to press


Items: dumbbells


Preparation: Stand with your arms flexed with the dumbbells at shoulder level.



  1. Step forward without letting the knee flex beyond your toes. The other leg is flexed back and the heel off the ground. The weight is on the rear leg on the balls of your feet.

  2. Push the leg that is back to front arriving at a standing position.

  3. Extend your arms fully above your head with the dumbbells.

  4. Lower the weights, and return the leg to the floor.

  5. Return to the preparation position.



  1. Performing the lunge laterally.


Note: You must keep your back straight. The knees should stay in line with your feet.

I. Exercises for Total Body Stabilization:

II. Exercises for Chest Stabilization:

1. Chest press


Items: dumbbells and ball


Preparation: Place your shoulders and upper back on the ball. Bend your legs and keep your back, thighs and shoulders at the same level. The legs are separated. The weights are at the level of your shoulders and your arms are flexed. Your fingers are facing the ceiling.



  1. Extend your arms fully until the dumbbells touch each other.

  2. Hold the position.

  3. Slowly return to the preparation position.



  1. Performing the presses without the ball

  2. Alternating arms

  3. Using one arm per rep


Note: You must keep your body in alignment shown in the image. From your head to thighs, your body must be at the same level.

2. Push-ups


Items: yoga mat (optional)


Preparation: Position yourself in the pushup position and keep your abdominal muscles contracted.



  1. Flex your arms and elbows slowly

  2. Reach the floor and make sure your elbows are above your shoulder blades

  3. Slowly return to the preparation position maintaining balance.



  1. Leaning on your knees

  2. Using a step for your arms

  3. Using the ball to support your legs

  4. Using the ball to support your hands


Note: Don’t do the exercise if you notice that your back arches. Your whole body should always be aligned horizontally.

1. Ball Dumbbell Row


Items: dumbbells and ball


Preparation: Place your belly on the ball. Your legs are stretched and you are on your tiptoes. The arms are extended and the dumbbells touch the floor. Your fingers face your body.



  1. Bend your arms and elbows slowly

  2. Make sure your elbows are above your shoulder blades

  3. Slowly return to the preparation position maintaining balance.



  1. With your knees flexed and touching the ground

  2. Alternating arms

  3. Doing the repetitions with one arm first

  4. Using the support of a chair, instead of the ball

  5. Performing the movement sitting or standing


Note: Don’t do the exercise if you notice that your back arches.

III. Exercise for Stabilizing the Back:

IV. Exercises for Shoulder Stabilization:

1. Single-Leg Dumbbell Scaption


Items: dumbbells


Preparation: Place your arms hanging on the sides of your body with the weights. Lift one foot off the floor.



  1. Bring your arms up and away from the body (abduction), forming a Y. The weights are at eye level. Your thumbs face the ceiling. The arms are extended in front of your body.

  2. Hold

  3. Slowly return to the ready position, maintaining balance and an upright position.

  4. Repeat with the other leg raised.



  1. Without balancing on one leg

  2. Sitting

  3. Doing the repetitions with one arm first

  4. Alternating arms in each repetition


Note: Keep your back straight.

2. Seated Stability Ball Military Press


Items: dumbbells and ball


Preparation: Sit on the ball with your hips open. Your feet are touching the floor. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder level with thumbs facing forward.



  1. Bring your arms up above your head extending them completely.

  2. Hold.

  3. Slowly return to the preparation position maintaining balance.



  1. Standing

  2. Sitting

  3. Doing the repetitions with one arm first

  4. Alternating your arms in each repetition


Note: Keep your back straight.

V. Exercise for the Stabilization of the Biceps:

1. Single-Leg Dumbbell Curl


Items: dumbbells


Preparation: Place your arms hanging on the sides of your body with the weights. Lift one foot off the floor.



  1. Bend your arms and bring the dumbbells to shoulder level. Your thumbs face your body.

  2. Slowly return to the ready position, maintaining balance and an upright position.

  3. Repeat with the other leg raised.



  1. Without balancing on one foot

  2. Sitting

  3. Doing the repetitions with one arm first

  4. Alternating your arms in each repetition


Note: Keep your back straight.

 1. Supine Ball Dumbbell Triceps Extensions


Items: dumbbells and ball


Preparation: Lie on your back (supine) supporting the upper back on the ball. Your legs are bent, separated and in line with your abdomen. Your arms are flexed and at the same height as your head. You thumbs are looking at each other.



  1. Extend your elbows until your arms are completely straight.

  2. Return to preparation position and repeat.



  1. Using a chair instead of the ball

  2. Doing the repetitions with one arm first

  3. Alternating your arms in each repetition


Note: Keep your back straight and make sure your neck and head rest comfortably on the ball. Do not move your shoulders.

VI. Stabilization Exercises for the Triceps:

2. Prone Ball Dumbbell Triceps Extensions


Items: dumbbells and ball


Preparation: Lie face down (prone) supporting the abdomen on the ball. Your legs are extended and together. Bend your arms, move them close to your body and hold the dumbbells at chest level.



  1. Extend your elbows until your forearms are completely straight and parallel to the body.

  2. Hold.

  3. Return to the preparation position and repeat.



  1. Using a chair instead of the ball

  2. Doing the repetitions with one arm first

  3. Alternating your arms in each repetition


Note: Keep your back straight and when you extend your arms the movement belongs to the elbows, the arms are kept close to the body and do not move your shoulders.

VII. Exercises for Stabilizing Legs:

1. Ball Squat 


Items: dumbbells and ball


Preparation: Stand with your feet separated and pointing forward. Your feet and shoulders should be in line. Let your arms hang holding the dumbbells.



  1. Go to the Squat position.

  2. Return to the preparation position and repeat.



  1. Using one leg

  2. Without using the ball


Note: Do not use the ball to lean on it. The ball is to guide and keep your back straight.

2. Step-up to Balance


Items: dumbbells and an object that measures 30cm in height


Preparation: Stand with your feet separated and pointing forward in front of the step. Your feet and shoulders should be in line. Let your arms hang holding the dumbbells. 



  1. With one foot step up and keep the other foot on the floor.

  2. Push the leg that is on the floor forward and flex it to towards your hip, leaning in the opposite foot.

  3. Lower the other flexed leg to the floor and return to the preparation position.

  4. Repeat with the other leg.



  1. Without balancing on one leg

  2. Performing the step-up laterally


Note: You must keep your back straight.

Imagess from: Clark, Micheal, Scott Lucett, and Brian G. Sutton. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.

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