Phase 2 Exercises: Strength
These exercises develop strength in the muscles. In order to obtain strength, in this Phase you will perform two exercises for each part of your body: one for strength and immediately after one for stability.
1. Pick one exercise from the shoulder and leg categories. Write them down in the Resistance section in your Daily Exercise Plan.
2. Visit the Phase 1: Stability and pick one exercise from each category. Write them down in the Resistance section in your Daily Exercise Plan.
In your Daily Exercise Plan for Phase 2, you will find some exercises are already chosen for you, therefore fill only the empty spaces.
The load you will use will be 10% higher than the one you used in Phase 1. To fill in the other variables refer to the section of Basic Concepts. Only after performing the program after 4-6 months you will become intermediate level.
Strength Exercises Index:
Click on each exercise to be directed to them.
VI. Exercises for Leg Strength:
1. Romanian Deadlift
Items: dumbbells
Preparation: Stand with your legs apart and your feet pointing forward. Place the dumbbells on the floor.
1. Flex your legs and bend your back. Your back should be flat and straight, like a plank.
2. Pick the dumbbells.
3. Return to the preparation position holding the dumbbells.
4. Repeat
Note: Always keep your back straight and your knees flexed to avoid injuries.
2. Squat
Items: dumbbells
Preparation: Stand with your feet separated and pointing forward. Your feet and shoulders should be in line. Let your arms hang holding the dumbbells.
Go to the Squat position.
Return to the preparation position and repeat.
Images from: Clark, Micheal, Scott Lucett, and Brian G. Sutton. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.

V. Strength Exercises for the Triceps:
1. Bench Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
Items: dumbbells
Preparation: Lie on your back (supine) on a flat surface. Your legs are bent, separated and in line with your abdomen. Your arms are flexed and at the same height as your head. You thumbs are looking at each other and your fingers look at your body.
Extend your elbows until your arms are completely straight.
Return to preparation position and repeat.
Doing the repetitions with one arm first
Alternating your arms in each repetition
Note: Keep your back straight and make sure your neck and head rest comfortably. Do not move your shoulders.
IV. Strength Exercise for the Biceps:
III. Exercises for Shoulder Strength:
II. Exercise for Back Strength:
I. Exercise for Chest Strength:
1. Seated Dumbbell Curl
Items: dumbbells
Preparation: Sit on a chair. Place your arms hanging on the sides of your body with the weights.
Bend your arms and bring the dumbbells to shoulder level. Your thumbs and fingers face your body.
Slowly return to the preparation position.
Doing the repetitions with one arm first
Alternating your arms in each repetition
Note: Keep your back straight.
1. Standing Shoulder Flexion
Items: dumbbells
Preparation: Place your arms hanging on the sides of your body with the weights.
Bring your arms up. The weights are at eye level. Your thumbs face the floor. The arms are extended in front of your body.
Slowly return to the preparation position, maintaining balance and an upright position.
Doing the repetitions with one arm first
Alternating arms in each repetition
Note: Keep your back straight.
2. Seated Lateral Raise
Items: dumbbells
Preparation: Sit on a chair. Place your arms hanging on the sides of your body with the weights.
Bring your arms up. The weights are at shoulder level. Your thumbs face the floor. The arms are extended laterally.
Slowly return to the preparation position.
Doing the repetitions with one arm first
Alternating arms in each repetition
Note: Keep your back straight.
1. Supported Dumbbell Row
Items: dumbbells
Preparation: Place one hand and knee on a flat surface. The other hand holds a dumbbell and your other legs stands on the ground. Your fingers face your body.
Bend your arms and elbows slowly.
Make sure your elbows are above your shoulder blades.
Slowly return to the preparation position.
Note: Don’t do the exercise if you notice that your back arches.
1. Flat Chest Press
Items: dumbbells
Preparation: Lie on your back on a flat surface. Bend your legs and keep your back, thighs and shoulders at the same level. The legs are separated. The weights are at the level of your shoulders and your arms are flexed. Your fingers are facing the ceiling.
Extend your arms fully until the dumbbells touch each other.
Hold the position.
Slowly return to the preparation position.
Alternating arms
Using one arm per rep
Note: You must keep your body in alignment shown in the image. From your head to thighs, your body must be at the same level.

Center for
Health, Wellness, Nutrition & Exercise
Costa Rica