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First, you need to identify when you will be able to eat during the day. This depends on your job and daily activities.


You must have 3 main meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is also key to have 2-3 snacks in between meals, to maintain a high metabolism.





Now, we will divide the day in 5 sections, one for every meal time. The following is a general list of food groups you must include in your meals. To know more about each group click on the corresponding button on the left side of this page.


A proper food plate can be visualized the following way:



























You probably heard that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and it is; because, while you were sleeping your body was in a fasting state. In the main Nutrition page, we mentioned that the body needs essential nutrients to function. Breakfast restores the levels of glucose that the brain needs to function.


A good breakfast has the following food groups.

  1. Fruits

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Dairy

  4. Proteins

  5. Fats


Morning Snack


Eating several times a day maintains an active metabolism and stable energy levels. Choose two of the following options for your morning snack.


  1. Fruits

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Vegetables

  4. Dairy

  5. Proteins

  6. Fats




  1. Fruits

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Vegetables

  4. Proteins

  5. Fats


Afternoon Snack


Choose two options mentioned in the morning snacks.




Dinner is a time when you should not consume carbohydrates, because while you sleep you won’t be needing energy. Also, at night time it is better to have a light meal to help you sleep better.


  1. Vegetables

  2. Proteins

  3. Fats


Late night snack (optional)


If you choose to have this snack, you should make it very light, small and choose one of the options from the snack list.

First Step: Meal Times

Second Step: Assigning Food Groups

This is a list of food you should eat everyday:


  1. Eggs

  2. Dark leafy vegetables

  3. Nuts

  4. Whole Grains

  5. Seeds

  6. Cereals

  7. Proteins

  8. Dairy

  9. Beans


This page will help you develop your own food plan (diet). Download the following plan to fill in following the instructions from this page. 

Food Plan

Centro de

Salud, Bienestar, Nutrición y Ejercicio

Costa Rica

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